blogCRM for Economic Development Organizations

CRM for Economic Development Audit

Less” May be Part of the Best Solution

We’ve all heard it.  A vendor reaches out to tell you about their company’s latest feature enhancement The new app will (supposedly) provide amazing benefits, such as:

  • Increase sales by 30 percent
  • Customer satisfaction scores will double
  • ROI will improve by 25%

Before signing the contract, ask yourself a couple of question:  How many software add-ons have you implemented during the past five years?  Are any of them actually being used?  How many have delivered the promised results?  Do you even remember all of the apps you already have?  Maybe it’s time to consider a new option.

Sometimes “less” is your best option.

A recent study published by the University of Virginia found that people tend to add solutions when problem-solving.  The study found that when people are trying to improve something, they frequently default to the “what can I add” mindset.

We frequently see this when working with clients who have been using for some time.

When working with clients such as these, we conduct a detailed audit to identify “digital clutter” that has accumulated over the years.  Areas of focus include:

  • Third-party applications
  • Field usage per page layout
  • Page layout and ease of use
  • Application-wide navigation
  • Login history
  • Data integrity

Upon completion, the audit is reviewed with our client.  They are typically surprised about the number of unnecessary fields, features, page layouts, etc.  We integrate information gathered during the audit with the overall development process.  This process provides the client with the ability to focus on key metrics and manage day-to-day activities, without having to navigate an endless maze of unnecessary fields and business processes.

Contact us today for a complimentary audit of your configuration.  We’ll provide our findings and make recommendations on how you can add productivity using the less is the best solution for your economic development organization.

Conclusion:  The next time you are faced with a problem, ask yourself, “is adding additional capabilities the best avenue to solve the problem?  Or is simplification the way to go?” 

The Conrin Solution

Conrin has been implementing for economic developers since 2003 and has clients across 27 states and provinces. Years of industry knowledge, technology experience, and effective rollout management make Conrin uniquely qualified to deliver an exceptional solution that will meet client needs for years to come.

At Conrin, we’ll help you find the right tools to grow. We don’t overbuild, oversell, or put processes into place that aren’t meant for you. It’s about you, and it’s built for you. With Conrin, customer relationship management really can be that simple.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to get started and learn more about how CRM can benefit your organization, contact Conrin today!



Contact Conrin for a complimentary audit.


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